Common name: Larder Beetle
Latin name: Dermestes lardarius
Adults 7 to 9mm in length, oval in shape, black with pale buff band around middle. Short clubbed antennae. Larvae up to 14mm long, dark brown banded with distinctive bristles.
Adults and larvae feed on animal protein, common in birds nests, poultry units, animal feed mills and domestic premises. Adults lay up to 600 eggs in a 6 month period. Eggs hatch in 1 week. Larvae develop in 1 to 2 months and when fully developed, bore into wood or other hard material where pupation occurs.
Importance of Larder Beetle:
May be indicators of food spillage and poor hygiene, occurring around food cupboards, cookers and fridges. They will spoil animal protein based food products such as animal feeds, but will also occur on other animal products such as furs, hair and hides. They can be particularly problematic in poultry units and piggeries as the larva burrow into polystyrene insulation or wooden timbers causing structural damage.
Good cleaning practices and the application of a residual insecticide will usually resolve the problem in a domestic or commercial kitchen. Poultry units and piggeries may require some structural protection to prevent larvae reaching and climbing the wooden wall of the unit. A band application of residual insecticide at the base of the wall can also be used, killing the larva as they attempt to climb the wall.
i-Pest Intelligent Pest Control will conduct a survey of your home or business to confirm the extent and of the infestation before the appropriate treatment is selected.